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and specifications published in YASKAWA's manual. 1AAE, and JZSP-CKT1E for the SGDH-1EAE, or equivalent UL listed closed-loop SGDH-01AE to -04AE. Host Controller. Connect the SGDH servo amplifier to a. Yaskawa host controller or one made by other vendors. (Analog input, pulse train input available). Moreover, because Yaskawa is con- stantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is. manual. Nevertheless, Yaskawa assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. This drive system is most commonly used because the power transmission Rated Rated Out- SGMAH- Effi- Torque Gear Peak Motor + ?1 Speed Page 74 (30019) (13.8) (4.25) * 1. Maximum motor speed is up to 4000 min at the shaft. * 2. Transmission Error. Digital operator (JUSP-OP02A-2) fails to communicate with SERVO-. PACK (e.g., CPU error). N/A. Not decided.SGDH User's Manual Supplement for. Linear Sigma Series 4.7.1 Single-phase 200 V: 50 W/100 W/200 W (A5AE/01AE/02AE) 9.8.2 Setting the Electronic Gear
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